Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My back still freaking hurts and I cannot freaking walk properly now. Wth of all times it had to hurt now there's a performance tomorrow and I'd be wearing heels on stage. GAH, PLUS i have to lug the freaking big luggage around on friday morning! What's more, my mom sprained her back too and my bro's at genting so...we're both gonna look like idiots at the airport on friday. PLUS, I'm not even half done with the luggage and I won't have time AT ALL tomorrow due to the choir performace.

That aside, my mood isn't spoilt because of the stupid back thing cause...

I DOWNLOADED SOMETHING DAMN AWESOME TODAY! Awesome stuff won't let backpains spoil my mood! Its an album called "100 years of cinema music" (in 5 volumes), and it has all the BEST stuff inside. 129 tracks of awesome goodness!

It started with me feeling frustrated about not being able to find the music I want online, and I don't want to keep asking my friends so I tried out some torrenting programmes. Yeah, I only used bittorent like 4 years ago, my very huge music library's mostly from my bro and my friends lol.

Well, first song I wanted to look for was "calling you" by celine dion but this album popped up and said it was the same song but by another singer called Linda Wesley. That should be the original version, and I also found many themes from famous classics too! There were a few positive comments about it so I happily clicked on "download" :D

wahahaha the feeling's so great there's like Cinema paradiso, starwars, west side story, singing in the rain, Pink panther, James bond, Mission Impossible, Godfather theme, Gone with the wind, superman, love story, My fair lady and also songs like Oh Pretty woman and calling you and just...EVERYTHING!!!

alright I've got to continue packing and packing and do other stuff too so...TATA :D

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